Le Péri...WHAT??!

It's possible to talk about the perineum in a relaxed and fun way. We experienced this for ourselves yesterday at a top-notch workshop dedicated to the perineum, led by the beautiful Laysa, founder of the Kegelness platform, and the sweet Emilie, midwife/sexologist. After 3 hours of exchanges over a delicious breakfast, this initially taboo muscle wasn't so taboo after all!

Should you exercise during pregnancy? At what pace? What movements should I avoid? How can I avoid leaks at the slightest jump? Does a muscular perineum make childbirth easier or more difficult? I'll stop there, because there are so many questions. The most important thing is to realize that a perineum needs to be prepared for the vagaries of life. It's essential to start building up its muscles as early as possible, by learning to contract it to strengthen its tone and relax it to work on its flexibility. It's all in a day's work if you want to avoid a host of problems, including the dreaded incontinence. The good news is that a perineum in tip-top shape also considerably increases sexual pleasure. Admittedly, this is one of the most motivating reasons for getting down to work, so no more excuses - let's get moving! Yes, even if you're not pregnant yet, because the earlier you start, the less trouble you'll have later on.

I invite you to discover the Kegelness platform, where you'll find a wealth of information, testimonials, advice and connected products (or not) to help you get your pelvic floor back into shape.

Ps: Gentlemen, don't think that this subject only concerns women because you too have a perineum 🙂 




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