Breastfeeding: our selection of books.

In bookshops, you can find many titles about breastfeeding. Some deal with the subject in a very general way, others with very clear-cut points of view. A handful of practical guides to deconstruct preconceived ideas. The benefits of breastfeeding no longer need to be proven, but how do you manage this new organization? How do you know if you have enough milk for your baby? How can you continue breastfeeding when you're about to go back to work? How do you protect yourself and respond to unwelcome comments from friends and family? When and how to wean?

Library books

Not an easy task! We've selected two essential books to guide you towards serene breastfeeding, informed and validated by breastfeeding professionals and scientists.

Ina May Gaskin

The natural breastfeeding guide. Nourrir son bébé en toute liberté.
Ina May Gaskin, mamaé, 2012
The logical sequel to Guide de la naissance naturelle, all the advice and situations are there, and this guide is aimed at professionals and moms alike. A sure value.

Available from Payot - CHF 47.60

La Leche League

The Art of Breastfeeding. Les clefs d'un allaitement heureux.
La Leche League, éditions Pocket, 2012
This is THE guide for young and expectant mothers who want to breastfeed or who are hesitating. Easy to access, scientifically proven, punctuated with testimonials to illustrate without weighing down the subject, it's also very well chaptered to help you find your way around. In short, a book to reassure you, a book for every situation by the international non-profit breastfeeding support organization La Leche League. What's more, it's pocket-sized, so you can take it with you wherever you go!

Available from Payot - CHF 16

Caroline Guillot

We'll find out...

Manuel très illustré d'allaitement by Caroline Guillot, which has just been reissued (June 2020 by Editions Fi!). Essential information and support with humor and pencil strokes. Caroline Guillot also wrote and illustrated the Guide d'allaitement du prématuré published last year. Because a baby who arrives too early needs mother's milk all the more to survive, all in a highly medicalized environment... an indispensable work to support moms (and dads), we'll be sure to take a look!

Available from Payot - CHF 32.10

Rebeca Foëx-Castilla
Mom of Ethan, Amos and Numa
Doula graduate
Read her MotherStory